2024 ArtWalk Membership
Participation in the 2024 ArtWalk on the following dates: - March 1 - May 3 - August 2 - November 1 Participants must commit to ALL four dates.
Horario y ubicación
01 mar 2024, 4:00 p.m. – 01 nov 2024, 4:00 p.m.
Moab, 111 E 100 N, Moab, UT 84532, USA
Acerca del evento
Moab Arts asks that each location feature a new artist or exhibition each month. Additionally, we encourage all locations to incorporate a fun element to each ArtWalk. Although this is not a requirement, we would like to make these evenings special and a must attend event for Moab locals and visitors. Below is a list of what Moab Arts will be including at our location. We will advertise any of these additions in the months they are offered.
─ Live Music
─ Artist Talks or Panels
─ Artist Demos
─ Participatory Activities
─ Food and Drink (cheese, fruits, cookies, charcuterie board, lemonade, tea, coffee)
─ Videos
─ Raffles or auctions
─ Featuring a special piece of work for the evening only
Please note that if you feature the same artist more than once, the body of work should be different each time.
Moab Arts will - promote these events on our website, advertise locally ad regionally, provide postcards and A-Frame, provide special programming and entertainment at our location.
2024 ArtWalk Membership
Participation in 4 ArtWalks in 2024 -March 1 -May 3 -August 2 -November 1
0,00 US$Venta finalizada
0,00 US$